Dr Yvonne Kallane

Dr. Yvonne Kallane is a leading expert, speaker, facilitator and adviser on coercive control and its criminalisation in Australia. She is an internationally recognised academic, accomplished author, and business founder. Her career has spanned multiple continents and countries, and the cities she has called home include Sydney, Chicago, Shanghai and Singapore.

Yvonne escaped from an abusive decades-long marriage of devastating coercive control in 2020. Since then, her recovery from homelessness, complex trauma and a debilitating medical diagnosis is an extraordinary journey of courage and hope. Yvonne is living proof that women trapped in abusive relationships can break the cycle of family and domestic violence to have meaningful lives.

Yvonne is founder of Change the Ending, a social media campaign to end coercive control. Through speaking, writing and teaching, she empowers survivors and educates the public, policymakers, and professionals on how to identify, prevent, and respond to coercive control. Change the Ending delivers engaging and evidence-based workshops, seminars, and presentations, and provides research-driven strategic advice and support to organisations and government agencies.

Yvonne is a post-graduate student at Notre Dame University Australia (Fremantle) undertaking a (second!) Ph.D. about the criminalisation of coercive control in Australia. She consults with the DART Institute as an expert specialist and is Non-executive Director on the Board of Yourtoolkit.com, a not-for-profit that provides online support to vulnerable women transitioning away from domestic and financial abuse. Yvonne is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, UN Women Australia, and the Independent Collective of Survivors.

Yvonne has a first Ph.D. in international business from Monash University, and a master’s degree in human rights (with Distinction) from University of London. She serves as Associate Editor at The International Journal of Human Rights, and is a Social Impact Fellow.